The Important Of Critical thinking
Critical thinking
Thinking out of the box but with flow in logic
If we have meaning from our experience
Logical reflection, creative and divergent thinking, using minds multiple capacities,intelegences
Solving any problems uniquely
Proses to analyze, interpretation
From the book of Bassam : “Critical thinking is disciplined thinking governed by clear intellectual standards. Among the most important of these intellectual standards are clarity, precision, accuracy, relevance, consistency, logical, correctness, completeness, and fairness.
Element of critical thinking: Recognition of
pattern n how to use it
Logical fallacy
What is relevant
Preconception, bias, values, way
Many ways to solve problem
There is purpose
Process of gaining, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating info
Some people think the more they write, the better. It is not.
Don't waste by putting irrelevant info
Train ourselves with what relevant and what is not
Skripsi Pak Habibie only 55 pages
We must make boundaries
Breakthrought concepts
Weapon: tools argumentation
Character critiçal thinkers
Can approach new things with proper logic
Find out other's experience, perspective
Has creativity, many diff ways to create hypotesis,approach problem, answer question
Use critical thinking daily
Make assumption clear,recognize their cause,consequence
Benefits of critical thinking
Better understanding
Pondation for better decision making
Seeing in holistic way
Solve problem comprehensively
Select and curate well
Better though process
Achieve objectively
Filter information
Correct/not, benefit/not
Benefits of critical thinking:
Promotion of social justice
Peaceful society
Avoid being manipulated by others
Avoid manipulating others
Able to give context to others
Able to give context to experiences
manipulating point is depend on the person
but agree with the point:avoid being manipulated by others
avoid being manipulated by others and not to manipulate others will also secure us from bein in the two extreme: trapped into unfettered individualism or suffocating collectivism
all commercial ads' languages and scenes are designed to influence the audiences to buy their products. Choosing the word manipulating seems so harsh to me as a diction
what's difference between manipulating and influencing? are ads aired on tv to influence or manipulate?
Maybe the word of manipulate itself is tend to negativity. how about switching the words into Influencing
Debat. Pro vs cons
omnibus law can be a big threat to the Indigenous community, since this new policy make it easier for the company to get permit using the land and forest.
While the indigenous community have to work hard to get recognition of their 'hutan adat' or customary forest. the cases of land grabbing or land dispute can increase
Omnibus law has an advantage for the village. Indonesia can build siliconvillage and create an employee in village
Roleplay pro najwa
1. Indonesia is a democratic country
2. It has been implemented in other countries
3. Najwa is just raising the most of Indonesians' people questions regarding the existence or roles of Pak Terawan.
4. The case should be directed to KPI, not to Police Department
5. The case and the contents are not clash to the KPI Regulation
6. The case limits people's right to speak up
Exercise critical thinking
Mention data,literature,opinion of experts
in television industry, govt or stake holders long hand of controlling the media anything could happen. they meet in a coffee shop after that that show ended
Justice is beauty in the eye of the beholder