Buku Rebel and Random by Dian Nafi
Buku Rebel and Random by Dian Nafi
when you firstly stop being rebel?
and why?
is it fault if we are born being random?
how if rebel and random become your identity and quality?
does it bother you?
joy 'random and rebel' notes from dian 'rebel random' nafi.
Buku Rebel and Random by Dian Nafi versi digitalnya bisa dibeli via google books
Buku Rebel and Random by Dian Nafi versi ebook-nya bisa dibeli via google play book
Tiga judul buku lainnya yang termasuk dalam Whistle Blowing Series by Dian Nafi:
(Kemarahan Yang Putus Asa)
(Kemarahan Yang Kecewa)
Aliansi Orang Sadik
Go grab them all!
Joy reading ^-^